Please Don’t Name a File Setup.exe

After doing all the downloading from my previous post I have one big request from the software development community.  Please don’t name your install file Setup.exe.  Try instead Setup<Application Name><Version Number>.exe or some varient of that.

I just downloaded the Windows SDK and the file was named setup.exe.  I download all files to the same directory, and decide what to do with them from there.  I don’t want to have to rename your file in order to prevent it from overwriting another file with the same name.

While I’m on this little rant, I’m tired of iTunes always downloading with the name iTunesSetup.exe with no version number.  It seems rude to me for Apple to assume users want to overwrite the previous version they downloaded, and thus lose the ability to roll back to a previous version if they don’t like the upgraded “features.”

Thanks, and have a nice day.
