Southern Ohio User Group Tour

This week, I’ll be traveling around Southern/Central Ohio giving talks at User Groups and at least one corporate office. The schedule is:

Here’s the abstract to my talk. I’ll elaborate on the content more below:

Come learn about the idea of deliberate practice as applied to the craft of software development. Alan Stevens will perform (less than) amazing feats of coding and he will do it for your enjoyment in real time.

OK, I admit, that’s a pretty lame abstract. The explanation of the lameness is that I didn’t really know what my talk was about until a few days ago. I’ve had a lot of ideas in my head that I’ve been trying to put together into a consistent theme. It was only after explaining to my wife recently what I wanted to talk about, that I saw the unifying theme.

And so, dear readers, I present you with the unifying theme of my talk this week:

In order to get better, you must be willing get worse.

This means that if you want to constantly get better, you have to be willing to suck, at least for a while.

So, come to my talk if you want to learn how to suck with gusto, and as a result become a better developer. If enough of us take this approach, we might just improve the industry, at least a little.

See ya’ in the Buckeye State,
