Tech Ed06 Day 1
Today was the first “real” day of the conference. I planned to do too much, and now I’m exhausted.
Initial impressions:
Travel: Boston’s airport is bigger than any airport has a right to be.
The Silver Line is freaking cool! The articulated bus runs by the airport, then stops at a station where it connects to overhead cables, and the engine shuts off. Next the bus/trolley travels into its own tunnel.
Lodging: Hotel Marlowe in Cambridge is as cool as it looks on the website. I have no regrets about choosing this funky establishment.
Food: There’s too damn much of it. My genetic code tells me to eat when food is available. Unfortunately, there is always food available. Breakfast and Lunch were excellent, and the evening reception with free “refreshments” was equally tasty.
People: I had the opportunity to hang with Eric Sink, Martin Woodward and Don Demask. I also ran into Matt and Brendan. I saw Ken Levy, but he was busy pitching Windows Live. I’ll bend his ear tomorrow. I also ran into Steve Loethen and Drewby. Steve is my Developer Evangelist, and Drew is the DE in the district north of me. I hope to get in on some code camps in Drew’s district in the coming year.
Technology: SQL Everywhere looks like a great migration path for users of Jet or Visual FoxPro. My other sessions where about Team System, and my passions there are well documented. I’m looking forward to a PowerShell session tomorrow.
I’m off to the jam session.
[Update] No jam session for me. 🙁 I went to the hotel to drop off my bag, and the leopard print robe and faux-fur throw looked soooooo comfy. I was exhausted, and knew that I wouldn’t get the most out of Tuesday if I pushed myself too hard.